Foundation Petersburger Strasse

So that the design meets the needs of the local population, a lively exchange between Cameroon and Berlin took place during the planning of the building. “” This rising education benefits “from the experience of the hope Foundation”, which stands in Bertoua in close contact with the local population. provide more clarity in the matter. After the completion of the school, the Organization assumes responsibility for the management and day-to-day operations. Also during the construction phase is”the participation in the Central punk of rising education. So is the school in the spring of 2014, in cooperation of local workers and the TU students built and so later users can comment suggestions and wishes the children and their parents during the construction phase.

To finance the project partners depend completely on donations. Rising education”welcomes any support. Provides a way for our campaign in the Internet on, here it is easy to help us. More Information on our website and on Facebook. Help with the children in Bertoua, Cameroon, to create an educational opportunity, which improves the quality of life and visions of the future and enables the promotion of cultural diversity and economic perspectives. Education and mutual understanding are the key to a better future. So you build with the concept requires not only commitment and labour, but also covering the costs.

Links: Rising education: baupiloten: hope Foundation: hope Facebook: better place: projects/16140 BLZ: 10010010 account no.: 27820105 Verw.zweck: rising education IBAN: DE08100100100027820105 BIC: PBNKDEFF hope Foundation is one of Cameroon and Germany from jointly controlled, non-profit and non-governmental organization. Objective is to promote the development in the rural areas of Cameroon and neighbouring African countries and the To alleviate poverty. You committed to development and utilities, and aims to improve the standard of living of people in rural communities. Hope Foundation operates in the areas of education, health, water and sanitation, people, children and women’s rights, information and communication technology, and they supported discriminated and disadvantaged, as E.g. disabled, street children and orphans.