Federal Statistical Office

Berlin, 12 March 2013: According to Federal Statistical Office 2011 approximately 300,000 people with deafness, hearing loss or balance disorders in Germany lived at the end of the year. Berlin, 12 March 2013: According to Federal Statistical Office 2011 approximately 300,000 people with deafness, hearing loss or balance disorders in Germany lived at the end of the year. Add not identified people with hearing problems come after estimates of hearing care professionals millions. A working hearing is in the daily coexistence of vital importance, it warns us in time of hazards in the road. According to Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, who has experience with these questions. Kurt Bodewig, President of the German Verkehrswacht and Federal Minister (ret’d): When you encounter a person with yellow armbands on both arms, or other clearly visible, yellow badge with three black dots on the road, please remember, that this you may not or poorly can hear. Customize your traffic behavior and expect that you perceived may be slower than so-called healthy traffic participants!” Hints for a trouble-free as possible together for hearing impaired people are the problems in road transport in particular in the communication.

Deaf people can information that be done acoustically, do not perceive and capture their surroundings with the eyes. Acoustic warning signals such as bicycle bells, car horn or loud calls are not appropriate. Especially the correct and timely respond to emergency situations can be difficult for deaf and hearing-impaired motorists. In particular, if the warning signs are only acoustically announced (siren, Bell, also announcements) and not accompanied by an additional visual alert, a threat is for them. Some hearing impaired have also an impaired sense of balance, which is caused by damage in the inner ear and ultimately leads to a diminished appearance, posture, coordinate movement. Balance disorders can get into oscillation, tumbling and comment other unsafe movements. Here increased caution in the transport sector is also of the parties concerned on the two-Wheeler this people can quickly become the victim.

Sometimes hearing loss even with a loss of directional hearing is’ connected. A hearing loss and a hearing loss in one ear, it becomes difficult to determine where a sound comes for those affected. This can lead to hazards in the road transport for example when one hears too late, where a car is approaching. If you see a person with yellow armbands or other yellow badge with three black spots, reduce your speed or stop if necessary! Contact for the press: Hannelore Herlan spokeswoman Budapest str. 31, 10787 Berlin phone: 030 / 516 51 05 20 mobile: 0151 / 16 62 72 75 more information: German verkehrswacht.de facebook.com/DeutscheVerkehrswacht twitter.com/DtVerkehrswacht the German Verkehrswacht belongs to the oldest and largest citizen initiatives of in Germany. Since its founding in 1924, she works for more security and fewer accidents on our roads today, with more than 70,000 volunteers dedicated. You inform, advise and train safe behaviour on the road with road users of all ages. The target group programmes of the DVW reach about 2.5 million people per year. The DVW financed their actions and programmes with the support of the Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban development, as well as through membership dues and sponsorship.