European Higher Education

Scholarships Erasmus Mundus (Program for Cooperation in Higher Education). This scholarship is provided by the European Community. The purpose of it – the maintenance of European masters courses and the introduction of the European Higher Education in less-developed countries. Scholarships are available for 5,000 students from third world countries, who have higher education and wish to continue their studies in Europe at the level of Master. Also, the scholarship provides opportunity in 1000 for teachers from these countries to conduct research in their field.

Scholarships INTAS (grant to support scientists of the CIS countries). The purpose of scholarship assistance and support to scientists in the former Soviet Union with the participation of European partners. Fellows are invited to listen to one of the courses: a course of advanced training and research. Scholarships may be provided to all existing areas of science. University Scholarships Agency of the Francophonie AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie). Scholarships are available for study, internships and conduct research in various fields.

The main requirement is a membership institution, where she learns or running candidate for the scholarship and the institution that takes him to study at the AUF. Scholarships Ministry of Finance of France. The proposed Ministry of Finance conducted training in Internal Revenue Service, Public Finance and Customs. Some fellows training programs (such as DESS, Ecoles Nationales) could be international students if they would be a bidding process. There are youth scholarships for programs international exchange of various youth forums, festivals and competitions. Sports scholarships are awarded athletic facilities. Every year in France come to the Russian high-class coaches. National Institute for Sport and Physical Education in Paris for several years cooperates with his partner, and Russia. Bottom line: enough scholarships. Choose the best for you a scholarship, send a request to its receive a special department in the French embassy and wait for an answer. More details about each scholarship and the rules of its receipt, you can visit the official website of the Embassy of France in Russia and in the Cultural Center of France Moscow. Remember that the scholarship is intended to cover the costs for training and accommodation. Pocket money from the French government you get. So here you need to consider how much money you take with you. And if you have a great desire to learn, to teach the language to provide for their documents to the French embassy, to be patient and wait!