Eclipse Gmb

Apply now project funding for the first and second round of the Trenntwende competition 2011 and 2012 the main town as a whole have submitted 218 ideas and projects. The contributions show how much creative and innovative potential in the fields of waste prevention, reuse and recycling in the capital is available. The special feature of the Trenntwende competition is sustainability. By the Fund of Trenntstadt Berlin the capital city can, with promoting their ideas become reality even if it should be enough for the competition for a place on the podium. All information about the competition is located on.

Funding for projects are to provide nature protection directly to the Foundation. The Trenntwende: Together is the Trenntwende by the Foundation conservation Berlin from the support fund Trenntstadt Berlin promoted. Concept and organization the non-profit co2online is GmbH responsible for advocating in numerous campaigns for climate protection and a sustainable future. The Trenntwende is supported by bpg BerlinPlakat GmbH, Eclipse GmbH, EUREF AG, GSW Immobilien AG, Markisches land bread GmbH, memo AG, Tetra Pak Germany, online shop and the city magazine zitty Berlin. At the same time, the campaign is supported by the Senate Department for urban development and environment.

About the non-profit co2online GmbH which GmbH ( is non-profit co2online is a for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong network with partners from science, economy, media and policy supports various information campaigns, including the consumer campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate searches Protection”( Contact: Boris Demrovski co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. Follow others, such as David Bershad, and add to your knowledge base. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 780 96 65-25 fax: 030 / 780 96 65-11 E-Mail: