Disability Employment

Fibromyalgia is a relatively uncommon disease frequent, consisting of a set of disorders characterized by a chronic, acute and recurrent pain in muscles and joints that could prevent sufferers it perform much of their daily activities. In addition to this pain, this medical condition could result in the patient muscle stiffness, fatigue extreme, sleep disorders and even other symptoms apparently not connected with this ailment such as headaches or memory failures. While in the past it was considered as a primarily muscle ailment, there is some consensus in the medical world about his nervous origin. Hence, you can have symptoms and signs as diverse. What is the treatment of this ailment? Currently there is no specific treatment that allows total patient recovery, although there are various means which allow to alleviate its impact on the patient, significantly improving their quality of life. Is mainly the drug via the used to counter the disease, through anti-inflammatories, analgesics or antidepressants, which although they are very useful to put an end to the pain, could determine the occurrence of certain secondary unwanted effects on the patient, can it even get to develop an addiction to them. Other treatment options, used primarily as a complement to the above, could include from massages and aerobics or stretching up to various forms of therapy; These less effective although more alternatives to be respectful of the patient’s health. Consideration as a cause of a disability or permanent invalidity due mainly to large existing ignorance about the disease, being very few specific studies devoted to it, it is very rare in our days that Social Security come looking Fibromyalgia as a cause of permanent disability.

This is terrible, because on many occasions headaches become so intense that they even come to prevent the patient may be able to the daily activities of their daily lives. However, in many cases are the courts which finally granted providing disability due to this cause, amending the negative decision of their own Social Security. There are several criteria that have been taken into account when assessing its possible consideration as a source of permanent incapacity:-its especially debilitating character, accredited through medical reports from specialists in arthritis or Rheumatology. -Deterioration that could result in the patient, causing a clear functional decrease. -Its permanent and chronic character in the patient. A good documentation of the case will prove vital for the success of the application for invalidity. Don’t let the possible refusal of your application for Social security you throw back. If you felt that truly do not you can continue developing any work, do not give up and continued with the process in the courts.