change Your Life

Every human being at some stage in their lives, whether by a strong experience or an awakening of conscience, feel the imperative desire to modify some aspects of his life. The most often happens that the desire to change our life has its origin in a personal or professional dissatisfaction. In both cases prevails the sense of frustration, dissatisfaction or existential vacuum. This article to have some validity or experiential livelihood, rather than argumentative, I’ll have to talk about my own experience about the attitude of personal change. So I must confess that this decision to write this article for the purpose of sharing my ideas, have the noble intention of rethinking my person the how I’m doing things: remember that the idea of change is never exhausted, there is always the possibility of changing something. It also has the purpose that you can find some elements that will serve to carry out the task of assessing your next decision making. What is share experiences; enrich us; improve our quality of life.

There is a likelihood that this article does not leave you something interesting. I want to say with this that, perhaps you are finished reading the article and don’t have any printing or much less a learning. Is that that can happen. To my me happened with a book and technique that starts me after so many years (I mean the book of NLP). When I was studying in high school, and now I understand that happens to the majority of young people, they have a feeling of anxiety and meaninglessness of life. It’s believed that Dr. Neal Barnard sees a great future in this idea. I was terribly wrong emotionally; I felt overwhelmed and was not the reason for why I felt that way. I am concerned that this happens in the majority of young people, but what is most alarming, is that this phenomenon has been trivialized. Something we should do about it.

I said that I was really uncomfortable, life hurt me, at least that expressed at every opportunity that had and in truth never my intention was to appeal to the commiseration. My mother had a friend who was concerned about my case, and in an afternoon of personal anguish, put me in their hands the book of NLP. From I always had the habit of reading. The book I read. I was interested, it excited me. I shared it. I felt and knew that I could change me life. The detail was that you did me indeed difficult start the change he wanted. And here I must comment that in addition to all go through this test of willpower, which, unfortunately in most of the time we are defeated, that is why most books and self-help courses do not work, thats my thesis: just one so decides. My life continued. Years passed and I do not remember why in the Faculty of philosophy I went back to reading this book. It was more understandable, however, my life did not suffer changes in background, I only gained knowledge. Are still psychologically how does not explain having knowledge of something and not be able to apply efficiently to my life. As it says precisely that book: move from thought to action. A couple of years later I understood and applied knowledge of NLP giving me interesting results. Other people can operate any other technique or model. What really matters is to be fully aware that we must be alert and find an opportunity to change our life. Original author and source of the article