Cargo Transportation

Companies that do not curtailed trucking operations, even taking into account the global crisis and the difficult economic situation. Numerous news from various sources in the media have reported that transporters actively carry cargo on international and regional routes. That's just changed the price of services transportation organizations. In fact, to earn in the current circumstances, when the market transportation drastically reduced, the owners of firms are on a variety of tricks and apply new measures to preserve their own business. Reshaped the state employees and reducing salaries.

Even the fleets reduced. By the way, especially in the lease is not in a hurry to buy the car. In connection with the decrease in orders also sold off unprofitable automotive equipment. Loyal customers like gold, and many of them it's fine understand and take advantage of this situation. For example, sometimes delayed payment. The cost of changing the unit of transport, it does not matter tractor rental or gazelles, since last year, declined markedly. Adding to this reduction total number of orders we can say that transports today are working at the same level of profitability. Possible unless the grace to remember those times, about 5 years ago, when the haul was necessary, but no one, and scope once hauled freight Ekaterinburg carriers from other regions.

Cargo transportation in Russia were also not as profitable. Dumping and competition there was a huge turnover. Although a benefit for our customers here conversation does not go, because, as general rule, the cheaper ones do not guarantee the security of transported cargo. There are, of course, good news. At the end of the year had been suspended many large-scale construction. Especially it concerned commercial construction. By the 2 nd quarter of companies have re-emerged finance and construction resumed. To the delight of our customers are now renting the building of transport costs by 5-10 percent less than in the year. You can also win on the transport if ordered him on the weekends. At the weekend the cost is sometimes more beneficial than on weekdays. Transport companies want to earn at least some money, if only technology did not fall on simple. Repairs and vehicle diagnostics additional obstacles for drivers was the increase in the cost of repairing vehicles. Special transport needs continuous maintenance. The extensive list auto parts comes into our country from abroad. Due to the rise of the dollar increased the price of spare parts. Keep in mind, and customs duties. Because of this, many organizations have refused the services of large stations maintenance services for the benefit of its own or inexpensive workshops.