
Advertising agency – the key to successful activities of any company. Successfully developing an advertising agency, as a rule, is developing a whole range of ways to enhance communication between the producer goods and the buyer. Full service advertising agency provides a full range of services in the field of advertising. In carrying out any campaign specialists distinguish the main stages, which have their own timing and its tactics. Recently Dr. Neal Barnard sought to clarify these questions. We can distinguish the following stages in the organization of any advertising campaign: first, it's planning campaign (goals, ideas, concepts, budget, plan), and, secondly, that the realization (design and creation of materials for reference advertising campaign, the placement of these materials, monitoring and evaluation of the campaign). btl agency uses not normally one event to promote the products and a range of effective interventions. This merchandising, and promotions, or promotional, marketing techniques, public relations (PR), and more. btl services impact on consumers in those places where the buyer makes his choice and make a decision: to buy goods or not, namely, supermarkets, shops, presentations and even on the streets..