Bridge Builders

Figure is considered to be allegories of Russian rivers: the Volga and the Dnieper at North Rostral columns, Volkhov and Neva River at the south. The two statues are no attributes of rivers (filled with flowing water). The figure of the Dnieper made master of the Antwerp Kamberlenom. The remaining three – Frenchman F. Thibault. Initially, Rostral columns, height of 32 meters, served as a beacon for ships coming into being when something is a trading port.

In the bowl on top of the resin is poured and set fire to it. In 1957, with gas here, the holidays lights a torch in the bowls. Its name the bridge has received from the former Stock Exchange building, located on the Spit of Basil Island. In 1894, the Exchange was built a wooden 25-span girder bridge, a length of 328 and a width of 21.4 meters, with an adjustable 14-meter span in Center (project engineer NM Mazurova). The route of the bridge took place along a narrow alley zoo. In 1918 it was renamed Bridge Builders. In 1930 and 1947, the wooden bridge was repaired and rebuilt, resulting in width of the bridge was reduced to 18.1 m. In spring 1957, the bridge was badly damaged by drifting ice.

In 1957-1960. built a new 5-span welded metal arch bridge. Central bascule span dipterous, disclose, with rolls back the rotation axis and hinged counterweight. In the river piers are reinforced concrete pile foundations, pipe piles with a diameter 56 cm bridge was shifted 70 m downstream relative to the old wood. Moreover on the Petrograd side were covered with cotton and cotton duct island, to create a bridgehead area. Authors of the project – engineers, VV Demchenko, B. Levin and architects L. Noskov, PA Areshev. Was created symmetrical composition of two bridges – Builders and the Palace. The bridge builders 239 meters of the Palace – 250 meters. The width of the river supports a movable span of the bridge builders of 9 meters, at the Palace – 10,7 meters. Both bridges were the same number of bays – 5, and the river piers – almost the same width – 3,5 and 3,2 m respectively. Legs are covered with pink granite. Handrails are composed of traditional darts, and between twin pedestals included tridents Neptune. Since 1989, the bridge was again called by the Exchange.