Bootcamps, Braindumps?

As one passes a test Microsoft right off the bat? Munich, 01.09.2011: boot camps to prepare for a Microsoft certification in a few days and quickly provide the necessary Know-How. But how does it actually with the success rate? What preparations must be made in addition to pass the certification exams right off the bat? There are no provider that gives a guarantee to the passing of an exam. At most will be pointed out that the seminar can be repeated free of charge. What is it? The answer is simple: there is something more to to pass a certification exam from Microsoft after attending a training course. What must you do so, to successfully complete the certification exams right off the bat with a high probability? No braindumps, or the like. Generally speaking there are certain admission requirements, a participant should have in advance for each certification. Apart from the necessary theoretical foundations should focus of a good education or Are preparing for a certification exam is to build knowledge in the long term, it actively on the job”can be used.

A certification exam requires some in-depth knowledge of the technology, for which the certification is to be placed. Therefore, it makes sense to deepen the learned a certification camp once in practice, and then to take the exam. BSA insists that this is the case. In addition a course, e.g. so-called Microsoft self paced training kits, which exist for many certification exams of Microsoft serve specific exam preparation. But the original Microsoft Official Curriculum (short MOC) courseware serve preparation for the basics.

On the market there are also currently the provider Measure-Up or Transcender, exam preparation English language software offered for many tests. Here the individual students can simulate a testing situation and answered questions much like in the real certification exam. The trainer of ppedv AG recommend blogs and forums, the participants further information should be obtained on which. On the Microsoft pages each certification exam content are described in detail according to topics including percentage distribution. Here it is according to the coach sense the individual mentioned terms / topics that are mentioned on the Microsoft side, systematically to search, to look at the relevant background facts on the Web and if necessary. also a sample / data set for a specific exercise to build up. There are for example the MCSE Board which discusses all issues around the subject certifications. All testing-related terms are worked out, the participants already well on the examination is prepared. In addition, there are additional literature for each Microsoft technology to deepen specific audit topics. For the Administrator area (MCTS, MCITP exams) are for example exam preparation English language books of the publishing house Nicole Laue. These books can also be purchased at MINERVA as a student. From July also provides the IT Academy MINERVA a certification camp on and thus your product portfolio expanded, in order to better labour market conditions to respond. Because this is to be covered training needs often a fast. The IT Academy MINERVA aims to be the specialist to the topic Microsoft certifications and to the participants from the outset with help and advice. The newly created blog informs interested students, managers on a regular basis with news about certifications and tests from Microsoft. Feedback is strongly encouraged!