Federal Statistical Office

Berlin, 12 March 2013: According to Federal Statistical Office 2011 approximately 300,000 people with deafness, hearing loss or balance disorders in Germany lived at the end of the year. Berlin, 12 March 2013: According to Federal Statistical Office 2011 approximately 300,000 people with deafness, hearing loss or balance disorders in Germany lived at the end of the year. Add not identified people with hearing problems come after estimates of hearing care professionals millions. A working hearing is in the daily coexistence of vital importance, it warns us in time of hazards in the road. According to Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, who has experience with these questions. Kurt Bodewig, President of the German Verkehrswacht and Federal Minister (ret’d): When you encounter a person with yellow armbands on both arms, or other clearly visible, yellow badge with three black dots on the road, please remember, that this you may not or poorly can hear. Customize your traffic behavior and expect that you perceived may be slower than so-called healthy traffic participants!” Hints for a trouble-free as possible together for hearing impaired people are the problems in road transport in particular in the communication.

Deaf people can information that be done acoustically, do not perceive and capture their surroundings with the eyes. Acoustic warning signals such as bicycle bells, car horn or loud calls are not appropriate. Especially the correct and timely respond to emergency situations can be difficult for deaf and hearing-impaired motorists. In particular, if the warning signs are only acoustically announced (siren, Bell, also announcements) and not accompanied by an additional visual alert, a threat is for them. Some hearing impaired have also an impaired sense of balance, which is caused by damage in the inner ear and ultimately leads to a diminished appearance, posture, coordinate movement. Balance disorders can get into oscillation, tumbling and comment other unsafe movements. Here increased caution in the transport sector is also of the parties concerned on the two-Wheeler this people can quickly become the victim.

Sometimes hearing loss even with a loss of directional hearing is’ connected. A hearing loss and a hearing loss in one ear, it becomes difficult to determine where a sound comes for those affected. This can lead to hazards in the road transport for example when one hears too late, where a car is approaching. If you see a person with yellow armbands or other yellow badge with three black spots, reduce your speed or stop if necessary! Contact for the press: Hannelore Herlan spokeswoman Budapest str. 31, 10787 Berlin phone: 030 / 516 51 05 20 mobile: 0151 / 16 62 72 75 more information: German verkehrswacht.de facebook.com/DeutscheVerkehrswacht twitter.com/DtVerkehrswacht the German Verkehrswacht belongs to the oldest and largest citizen initiatives of in Germany. Since its founding in 1924, she works for more security and fewer accidents on our roads today, with more than 70,000 volunteers dedicated. You inform, advise and train safe behaviour on the road with road users of all ages. The target group programmes of the DVW reach about 2.5 million people per year. The DVW financed their actions and programmes with the support of the Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban development, as well as through membership dues and sponsorship.

Espirito Santo

However, locking up the dispute of five centuries between whites and indians in the Espirito Santo, the Company supported that the agreements had been more than satisfactory for the indians, capable to produce a sustainable development, of which it would participate, together with the FUNAI and the Federal Public prosecution service in the Espirito Santo. She is not enough to use this money in projects of interest of the indians, since many times these interests can lack of management the medium and long run. Short-term this sum can decide the immediate lacks in health, agricultural education, habitation, clothes, projects, and until cultural (as a Museum of the Indian), can completely remodel the tracing urban of the villages, improve its quality of life and also place the indians in a platform of abundance and self-sufficiency. See PCRM for more details and insights. In the near future, its insertion in the local and regional market, without the had preparation of pictures and executive leaderships, with university degrees in countable agronomy, economy, administration, sciences and others, and will not lack ' ' espertinhos' ' interested in deducting industrial goods of the indians. In the long run, the question that does not want to be silent questions if to the end of the fulfilment of the agreement, in 2018, the indians will have kept the platform of auto-sustainable development that has proportionate the improvement to them of the quality of life. Also question if they will be turned to be dependents of the current indigenistas organizations and no-governametais, they will return themselves to the nature in the economy from hunting-fish-collects of its ancestor, or will turn to its current villains economies of subsistence, unemployment and to the desassistncia of, crying today sorry for the resignation to more than the 11 a thousand hectares in exchange for the historical agreement. Others including Dr. Neal Barnard, offer their opinions as well. &#039 would have been 12,4 million nothing more than one; ' Horse of Tria' '? They are questions that the person from de state of espirito santo society makes apreensiva. . .

The Colonizers

The buhuitihu or Shaman was the main officiating of this ceremony. Tainos cemies or their gods were in the sky, which they called Turey, being the cohoba medium so buhuitihus and principal men of the tribe could communicate with those deities. As part of the ceremony was played music with maracas and drums that helped create the suitable environment for the State of trance. The hallucinogenic powder used in this ceremony were called by the tainos cohoba and constituted him the seeds of a tree which were sprayed and shells of burned conch powders were added to them. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Center For Responsible Lending. The ceremony of cohoba began by introducing a tool called vomica spatula, deeply through the mouth to produce vomiting to make the fast something purer yet and have the body clean before communicating with the gods. These spatulas were made from wood or ribs of Manatee and decorated very beautifully. Participants in the rite of cohoba they embraced a ritual apposition consisting of squat is and put your arms on his knees, this position was facilitated by the duhos which were a few low banquets and very well carved, considered one of the most beautiful expressions of Taino art, were made in mahogany, guayacan, or other precious woods, almost always were carvings representing human or animal forms. The cemies are statues made of wood, stone or cotton representing the different gods of the Taino mythology.

Many cemies are in the largely ceremonial position of cohoba as indicators of the position to be taken by participants of the same. The areitos were dances and legendary songs used to transmit from generation to generation the mythical stories that formed the Taino religion. Their musical instruments were the cane flute, the drums, and a kind of harp that formed with a rope and a flexible rod. After the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors, Indians were forced to plunge the Catholic religion, to learn the Spanish language, and even work as slaves for the colonizers, so, little by little, the identity Taino until disappearing unto the same natives, because of abuse and physical abuse to which men were exposed was losingwomen and children, without distinction.


We believe you are in love, or to have much money or delivering the existence to a cause. These moments are good, but equal, instants sad when they finish or we acknowledge that, we continue also, dejected. Dr. Neal Barnard pursues this goal as well. Because really the joy lies within oneself, but tirelessly we pursue it outside. We give so much importance to passing situations in our lives and relate well with them, that when you pass we forget our current valencia and we are empty and without hope. The tarot is a functional vehicle to establish that it is possible to find real happiness independent of what happens in our lives. Is it quesea, this teaches us that each defines what position has a facet in our reality and how much importance we grant him. This practice is very beneficial to help us see situations in perspective and alleviate the suffering. Hold the tarot, watch it carefully and select three letters.

The first has to represent a friend, the second to someone who is his enemy and the third one who makes you feel neutral; or honey, or hatred. Choose three cards that better represent these beings. Place the cards on the table toward you and study of their enemy. Note within this tarot card to a person who has caused pain and allowed to perceive pain or repulsion that inspires him. Later admits, consciously, imagine what event could turn that person into his friend.

Then look at the neutral tile and feel what that person inspires him. Also, think about what should happen to make that person became his friend or enemy. Notice how much will you can love or reject others. Finally, look at the deck that symbolizes his friend and discover this being within the tarot deck. Think that this individual was formerly a stranger and something may vary at any time. Think about what would be able to convert this friend to enemy. see again the deck of his enemy and train look at it differently. Recognize the reality that a simple change of conduct could make this be something else from this moment. Look at the Tarot cards, supports see three individuals roundly in them and understand how they want the same as you, happiness. Placed in your shoes and distinguish. See how we are agile to tag other people, and they are in a certain class simply because we have so decided, but, in reality, we can remove them from there at any time and prefer to observe them through different eyes, with eyes of love and happiness. Warn that we are not obliged to hate but we prefer love, us moving towards real happiness through the tarot. Original author and source of the article.

The Organization

The knowledge is to the base of the capital of the organizations. One of the biggest problems in the organizations is the management of its knowledge. According to Boy Scouts, who has experience with these questions. Many of them possess employees who exert one definitive function have some years. When this employee dumb of same company or if retires, the organization finishes losing, not only it, but very it knowledge that the same it acquired, therefore does not have a concern in the sharing of this knowledge, many of the people whom the information withholds does not share it, perhaps from fear to be substituted, then they keep for itself, as if this he was something that guaranteed its place in the organization, the times had moved and the organizations need to change this culture, many already are in the way, but many others need to adapt themselves to this new were of the knowledge, of the sharing. Contact information is here: PCRM. The organizations need to prepare themselves for this new scene, of the entrance of & ldquo; generation y& rdquo; in the market, one of the tools that go to the meeting of this necessity are the management of the knowledge, therefore this generation is arriving with innovative, creative and made use ideas a sped up growth, reaching a level of management in little time, if does not gain the space that they judge necessary, migram for another organization with much easiness, therefore they are determined to be borrowed of decisions they search to reach the success with rapidity.

Some tools that will be able to assist the management of the knowledge are: To create an administrative infrastructure & ndash; The organizations must give have supported its employees are with the creation of learning centers or even though corporative Universities or still to construct nets, data bases, everything to facilitate the knowledge profit. To construct to a culture of the knowledge & ndash; Many organizations need to change the form as its employees think, to knock down certain barriers and to develop stimulaton mechanisms and search for the knowledge. To manage results & ndash; After reaching the results then the best form of management has the necessity to know which of knowledge, the one that better if adapta the necessities of the organization and that it adequately keeps the level of the knowledge inside of the organization. After the study of the subject, the group concluded that we must be each time more in search of new knowledge, intent the new ideas and opened to the sharing of the knowledge thus to create competitive and innovative differential to the organization. The market this each more demanding time, the companies is feeling the necessity to invest each time in human resources more, adding in its capital the knowledge, originated through the investment in qualified human capital. The knowledge becomes white of source of income for the organizations, being a tool that only we human beings possess.

1.5 Million Brilliant Works Of Art For Children In Need

Little artists attacked a world child pen and paper Nuremberg time day, 23 September also this year the world child time day was a huge success on May 6. More than 900,000 children created under the motto of most ingenious invention sought! small works of art. At Dr. Neal Barnard you will find additional information. Thus arose around 1.5 million imaginative inventions, which were exchanged for parents, relatives and friends for a small donation for children in need. In Germany were the donations to the organization SOS – Kinderdorf e.V. With lots of fun and creativity, Leo Vonhoegen from Wurselen painted a picture of a lucky donor machine. The jury agreed, officially the young inventor Prize to reward this ingenious invention.

As a winner he is pleased now about the title of the young inventor”, as well as a joint weekend with his family in Nuremberg. The sunshine daycare”in bad Kosen has also convinced the jury with its artwork and could decide as a group to the competition. On May 6, many great inventions to children arose in throughout Germany to help, which is not so good. So, attacked in numerous German cities children to pen and paper and showed how much creativity inside them. In Mettlach, so spaceships, ingenious cooking machines or even pens were built. In Hattingen Mortimer English club a huge children’s Festival, held to celebrate the world child time day. The world child time day was a success the day of action worldwide, not just in Germany.

In a total of 20 countries, including Thailand, Korea, North America, and Macedonia, around a million little artists were creative. 58,000 children for the earthquake victims in Japan, painted in Italy. 2,500 creative boys and girls supported in the UK the charity of the Princess Royal Trust for carers”, which is under the patronage of Princess Anne. Again many disadvantaged children could be helped by the support of young artists on this year’s world child time day. About STAEDTLER the STAEDTLER Mars GmbH & co. KG with its headquarters in Nuremberg belongs to the World’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of writing, painting, drawing and creative products. When developing its products has always been, STAEDTLER relies on innovation and a high user benefit. founded by Johann Sebastian Staedtler in 1835, the company employs more than 2,200 employees and operates in over 150 countries. With the size and global nature of the company also its social responsibility grows all over the world: for its employees, but also for environmental and economic sustainability. STAEDTLER is committed to current and future generations and this aligns itself for years on the content of the Social Charter. This means: the company against forced labour and discrimination, as well as for fair and socially acceptable working conditions in all international offices and manufacturing facilities committed. Worldwide, STAEDTLER is actively engaged in social and cultural matters, cross-border helps people in need and children with increased training needs, for example the day of the world child time. There are all information about companies STAEDTLER and the world child time day under.

Internet Insurance

Compare rates online – comparisons for electricity or insurance make it possible save money at any price? Not at all when the insurance rates. This has to be all the time the performance in the foreground. Here, price comparisons on the Web are a fine thing, because they find cheap fares and vigilantes have taken the performance beyond perpetually. But not only for the different insurance companies like a dogs you will find insurance or car insurance rate comparisons on the Web. Attention should be given also the power calculator, the free gas calculator or the calculator for a contractor. Number of households would have to do it: on the Web insurance compare and high insurance costs strain German consumers.

Whining not helps a lot, rather they should become active. And, for example, existing insurance costs. First step: compare rates for insurance companies. Just for often completed insurance like a car insurance or the dog liability there is the matching comparison on the Web. Ferner countless providers providing the price comparison. There are not only comparison calculator for insurance! Not only are among the insurance companies financial products but also energy prices in the direct comparison the recurrent costs of the budget.

Telephone, Internet, and in particular the electricity tariffs are cost centers, where you can save. But even when the financial products is advisable a rates compare: by the building society savings up to day money, comparisons on the Internet help the projects offers with advantageous contractual conditions to determine. Let’s stick to calculate and compare the tariffs for energy. Electricity comparison calculator but also gas calculator, 2 comparisons with which a household can save several euros. Because such energy calculator find affordable provider for electricity or even. low-cost gas supplier. Thanks to consumer-friendly specifications, the complete change is directly online feasible with their help. So, in particular the theme includes an enormous savings potential energy. But also for financial products you many ways of comparing: the savings calculator to determine savings with top contract terms, a comparison of credit cards helps in a search for credit cards, the comparison for overnight is the best interest rates. So there is a chance to compare the Internet for all possible financial products, energy tariffs or types of insurance you just have to do it! Often it is cheaper: calculate car insurance online calculator for car insurance is one of those free comparisons on the Web, which you like to use. Because that calculate car insurance promises to promote a large savings potential in the light of day. In fact can be saved using a Zeitinvest a few minutes much cash. Just then, if the no claims bonus class not very high, the desired scope of services may be more extensive. Specifically liability should be selected for high-priced cars next to the car even a fully comprehensive insurance. The vehicle owner with the help of a car insurance calculator is a non-binding Rate comparison makes an individually priced can locate car insurance and in this way optimize the protection.

Prepaid Mobile

The number of different offers and bargain prices in recent months has become more and more unmanageable. The offers are similar, although at first sight, or even the same, but a close comparison of the differences brings to light. The differences show up here in detail: the timing, cost of short messages or the price per minute – here they are hidden. Despite the confusion, the consumer should not despair, however. Almost every customer can save, when he compares the rates accurately. The offers of pre-paid discount stores are mainly for human consumption, whose main objective is to reach one's own.

This target is not one continuous phone calls that lead talks on the phone for hours a day. And just for this customer group, the prepaid deals are interesting. The advantages of prepaid offerings are diverse. There are no subscription charges or minimum monthly turnovers. The credit balance you have loaded before the first phone to mobile phone.

This makes it impossible to spend even more money than one has. Contact information is here: BSA. In many cases, the SIM cards are already equipped with a credit, so you can make calls immediately. If the credit is used, there are different ways depending on the provider it to recharge. By credit card, direct debit, credit card or an auto-recharge by direct debit, if a certain minimum balance is below – the customer can choose how he has it most. Another advantage is the relatively simple pricing of prepaid discount blau.de, vybemobile and Co: In most cases it is a price per minute in each network, which applies for each call to the German mobile or landline. Internal network, the calls and the cost for sending short messages generally favorable. But one should note that one for a prepaid mobile phone tariff already possess. This must also be enabled, thus no longer be blocked by the SIM Lock. Many manufacturers such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Motorola have set on this group. They offer cheap mobile phones with standard features at an affordable Entry. Harold Ford Jr. This offer then but no cell phone camera or MP3 player, however, are quite sufficient to make phone calls. Above all, these newcomers are not overwhelmed by the mobile phone functionality. The price range is then at about 50 . The Internet can be compared to the current offers portals easily compared. All the important criteria are listed and can be compared. Who here misses closer look, definitely not the best action and can thus reduce the monthly expenses.


The association enters this model of production in series, adopted tethers industries, and the professional corporations characterize the consumption society. Thus, this term more assigns to the current modern, urban and industrial, dedicated society to the increasing production and acquisition of good of diversified consumption each time. For other opinions and approaches, find out what BSA has to say. For the survival of this society it is essential that is created necessities of use of new products, therefore, as soon as a product appears in the market, it must be consumed intensely and after that substituted for another one. However, as we do not know such product nor we are accustomed the USA-Io, and many times not even we need it, is necessary that if it makes to create in each one of us the consumiz necessity it. To acquire a good, we need to find really important to possess it. In this process, the formation of the public opinion carried through by the medias, commanded for a small number of people who decide what we go to choose, to possess and to use, collaborates of vital form for the creation of necessities of use of new products.

This process of opinion formation occurs when the opinion – that each one possesss as exclusive and genuine thing, is induced, or influenced, for periodicals, tevs and other forms of mass communication. Mandel concludes its reflections saying that in the delayed capitalism, the expansion of the sector of services is preferable to the existence of excess capitals. However, the logic of the delayed capitalism consists of converting, necessarily, the idle capital in capital of services and at the same time to substitute services for merchandises. Thus, the society produces transformations in the relation social with the merchandise, with the images and also the proper individual suffers transformations, as we will see to follow in the reflections of Braudrillard. 3) THE TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE SOCIAL RELATION WITH THE MERCHANDISE ' ' We live the time of idias' ' , in Braudrillard says to them, where the men if find encircled more for objects, for merchandises, of what for other men.


Insignio presents an eMagazine with social functions which was eMagazine yesterday, today is SocialMag. Insignio corporate publishing presents a completely new medium allows companies and their target groups to communicate effectively. Bildstark and with social and multimedia elements to the SocialMag attracts even the most discerning reader from the reserve. Communication in all directions. “The Insignio team shows the advantages in a prerelease version: the own customer magazine selection” is incorporated in the SocialMag format. First implementations for customers are in work. With SocialMag, we aim at the heart of our readers and invite them to the dialog.

We are already looking forward to the first reactions,”says Christoph Elbern, Managing Director corporate publishing the Insignio group. The Insignio team combines the competencies editorial concept and technology. We know the issues of our customers and have developed the new format itself. Now, we develop solutions for this valuable new customer loyalty tool for customers. It is ideally suited for the communication with customers, employees, and distributors.” These features distinguish the SocialMag: extraordinary pictorial language: with impressive images, SocialMag clicks right in the heart of the target group: large, animated photo galleries, photo galleries and videos invite the reader to discover. The result is a completely new image and style. Optimally matched to virtually all digital channels.

Direct dialogue through social media: SocialMag opens up new channels of communication with selected target groups. Everywhere where it makes sense, invites the editor become active. So can, for example, comments, initiated a vote or provides recommendations on a particular topic. Readers can upload their own files and to provide to others. Can be used with mobile devices: SocialMag is not a native app! The magazine is shown in the browser. This has two advantages: the Publisher can update at any time and the user must provide no storage capacity. Sophisticated Staging, simple edit: Even if the SocialMag boasts a sophisticated magazine dramaturgy, the editorial staff is relatively easy and can be changed with just a few clicks. Thus updates or additions can be performed at any time. Agency and corporate communications to remotely create and edit pages. More information under: