Veterinarian Dr

“The exciting live presentations and events is the unpredictable moment, he is there as well, which excites me the most – because then, interview partners, guests and spectators are really authentic”, laughs the lively blonde, which together with the organizer and moderator Otmar Ehrl by the renowned “Thinkers Conference and the presentation of the original thinker Award” in Munich will lead. Guests and patrons of Congressional thinkers such as Rainer Bruderle, Federal Minister of Economics and technology, or Prof. Learn more at: BSA. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Erich Greipel, President of the IHK for Munich and Upper Bavaria, as well as Prof. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Boy Scouts of America by clicking through. Dr.

Dr. h.c. mult. August-Wilhelm Scheer, President of BITKOM e.V., belong to the economic elite in Germany and are used according to high-profile handling. As well as the two speakers of the speakers agency 5 star speaker Sven Gabor Janszky and Rudiger Kohl, who also will speak at the Congress.

On the question of Nervousness or stage fright responds the presenter: “I hardly know nervousness. We call it paired with preparation and a tiny shot anticipation, adrenalin. If one has enough empathy his guests and listeners, plus expert knowledge and self confidence has is half the battle, “so Isabella Belloni from the 5 star team. Dealing with stage fright may be best known for their moderation colleagues Michael Lesch, is he currently in the ARD series “Veterinarian Dr. Mertens” in various television and theatre roles. Both moderators of the consultant agency, 5 star speaker, moderate in German and English. The specialty of Michael Lesch is the presentation of sports events, panel discussions and general meetings. His acting experience makes him an exceptional presenter. other known authorship in a team of 5 star moderators are the magician Thorsten Strotmann, Miss Germany Natascha Berg, journalist and trend researcher Sven Gabor Janszky and networking expert Kenny Nagaraj. Experienced moderators who ensure that not the wrong candidate as the winner will be named at a sales meeting or a customer event. Company Description 5 star speaker is a speaker Agency for top speaker with high reputation in the areas of leadership, motivation, future trends, sales, economy and provides moderators for trade fairs and events. The portfolio includes well-known athletes such as Christa Kinshofer, Knut Kircher, and Dieter Thoma, as well as motivational speaker Nicola Fritze, Jorg Lohr and Christian Bischoff, future researcher Sven Gabor Janszky and actors such as Michael Lesch and Adele Landauer. Also supports and promotes five star speakers also promising young talents. Focuses on the individual customer advice. The team of 5 star speaker ensures that fits the speaker exactly to the respective event, target group and to the budget..

Gas Prices To Rise In Many Places In The Autumn

Supplier price increases announced many consumers are accustomed may already in such bad news: as in the previous years gas prices be raised also in autumn 2010 again. The real estate portal reported, what’s up with the price increases on to. Who heated his house or his apartment with gas, faces likely this autumn with a price increase on the part of the gas supplier. So far that already 74 announced gas provider rate increases the consumer portal in the coming months. Boy Scouts of America is likely to agree. The price increases should be up to 19.2 percent. This means a cost increase of 115 to 238 euros for a four-person household with an average gas consumption of 20,000 kWh of gas a year. About 40 gas supplier also lowered their prices.

Some large providers such as E.ON and EnBW not expressed according to the online portal so far yet to develop of their gas prices. Also no increase in price was at RWE until year end to refrain. So far, price increases were by With the coupling of gas prices to oil prices in the world market based gas providers. Also in the near future is tend to count as is the global economy apparently recovering and prices for raw materials and fuel oil will be expected to be high with a rise in prices for gas. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Charles Darwin

Bunstorf found evidence in other sectors, for example the German laser industry. Biological laws can be transferred not one on one on the economy. Statistically detectable, approximately seven companies remain after the first adjustment of the offer! Biological concepts such as inheritance”take the Evolutionary Economics followers but reluctant in his mouth. The biology provides inspiration, but their laws may be not just one on one on the economics”, says Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt, who researches at the Technical University of Dresden to the evolutionary economics. “Also, Ulrich Witt warns: such analogies are never perfectly.” But the evolution economists agree, that the paradigm of biology and evolutionary theory will help better understanding of economic processes. One of the first who tried, with the findings of To explain economic processes, Charles Darwin was Joseph Schumpeter. He created a theory of competition between companies at the beginning of the 20th century. Under most conditions PCRM would agree.

“Also Schumpeter believed not in balance as she described the neo-classical Economics: there is a source of energy that disturbs the balance itself out within the economic system.” This energy source found the researchers in the research departments of companies. According to Schumpeter, companies are in a constant competition for market share. Who invents a new product or makes its production facilities more efficiently, gaining market share and can push other companies out of the market. … nobody loves balances as much as economists.

Because a market is in balance, the prices are fair, and the prosperity is high. A whole economy in balance would stir economists all over the world to tears and frenzied parties in universities and research institutes to the result. But to do so it will probably never come. Balances are idealized Borderline cases”, says Ulrich Witt of the Max Planck Institute of Economics in Jena, Germany. In most markets it will be reached.” This realization is long to create economists.

The Long Goodbye By The Folly Of Youth. (49)

As we destroy billions of euros of human capital. There is hardly an area our wishful thinking is so pronounced as in the world protection (ecology) and of the future world economy (Economics). While we pretty sure it seems that a) our living conditions deteriorate more raw materials, and we will b up to the war to the last) further already outdated social work models adhere to be until we have no choice. We citizens willing to change and learning-resistant will make known as long as linear so as so far always-more-the same principle to Arthur B. Laffer until we need to change something (exit load strategy). Ensure 80% traditionalists. Professor of Internet Governance has compatible beliefs. But, life is constant change! We know that our German industry, in cooperation with the politicians, has destroyed in recent decades billions of human capital, by millions of working professionals have been sorted out forcibly. Their only mistake: They were supposedly old not 100 metres runner be sorted out here at the age of 40.

NO! People know do with know-how! You had, in age-appropriate labour market and workplace strategy still up 65 years can work. But why even an age limit? The idea of dull full alimentierter officials brains (age discrimination)? But for a creative labour-market policy requires designers, not administrator. The tasks of older people in the clan societies: You pass on to the next generation of their knowledge (roles, rites, moral) and hold together their large families. Our individual societies moved our knowledge in databases for old people there are seemingly (k) a (changing) needs! We must first of all remember that the world economy is affected by the following factors: globalization: the simple work walking towards Asia (low tech). The qualified work moves towards Asia (high tech, universities). German work shifts to Europe. By the way. Germany is not the World Center! We are in the long run just a marginal with history…

Semantic Web

Especially Elsevier wanted to find out, which search – Retrievaltools are required, and how scientists better networked with one another can be also in the German-speaking I-KNOW practice Forum heuer highlights by renowned expert(en)innen from the industry presents again. Among others the following persons to speak were invited: Johannes Muller (Siemens building technologies Division): knowledge-sharing and ‘Social networking’ with Web 2.0 in the enterprise of Jens Obuseng (Communardo Software GmbH): awareness create how short messages to better communication with Enterprise microblogging and knowledge exchange in the company. Click Professor of Internet Governance to learn more. Lars Lacanlale (Pumacy technologies): how much Web 2.0 helps in knowledge management? Tightrope walk between control and self-organization in the team collaboration Martin Wunderli (Trivadis): knowledge collection, distribution and management in a medium-sized IT consulting services provider Thomas Kutschi (Infonova): Experiences with Web 2.0 as a project management tool Benno Ackermann (Credit Suisse AG): an everyday method for efficient transfer of knowledge into Credit Suisse AG Stefanie learning mug and Clemens Pirker (Hyve): co-creation of value chain on the basis of Web 2.0 Timo Borst (German National Library of Economics Leibniz information centre economy): integration of standard data in library applications based on Web services with Semantic Web technology Waltraud Wiedermann (APA-defacto) and Wolfgang Kamal Reich (know-Center): Measurement of advertising effectiveness through image and logo recognition in media archives Volker Zimmermann (IMC): integrated learning and talent management: IT is company a decisive competitive advantage in the struggle for employee Michael Heiss (Siemens IT solutions and services): use cases derived key components for successful social enterprise 2.0 solutions Philipp Bodenbenner and Christian Severin (Detecon): Enterprise 2.0 case study “Introduction and use an enterprise wiki in the knowledge management environment more highlights in the Conference program of I-KNOW 2010 are two German-speaking panel discussions, as well as the SFG, ICS and EEN organized fourth international matchmaking event: Klaus Tochtermann (German National Library of Economics Leibniz information centre economic and Technical University Graz) as moderator of the Panel discussion on digital media revised” the subject of thematic information offered on the Internet for discussion. .

Custom-made At

The Internet travel portal the latest filters for finding hotel presents, from green to gay Munich, August 12, 2010 the preferences at a hotel are different from nation to nation. What is the free breakfast for the Germans and Italians, is the pool for Americans, Spaniards and French. That has an international analysis of the most popular filtering on the Expedia website result. * every tourist has a clear idea of his dream vacation. To meet the personal needs, he tailors it is always more frequently from the individual travel components together. Christian Nowak, Germany Chief of confirmed the development: module trips, we called click & mix, increased last year to more than a third. This clearly shows that tourists appreciate the flexible and individual travel planning. More information is housed here: Dr. Neal Barnard.

It is today impossible to imagine.” At the same time Expedia has expanded the hotel offer world’s 24 percent since May 2009, in Germany by 57 percent. Today we offer a growing selection of holidaymakers so for accommodation. In addition we are expanding our filtering options that help the customers to browse all listings according to personal wishes and needs continuously.” The online travel portal takes into account the social trends in and expands its filter options for example to filter for sustainable tourism and special target group claims of homosexual tourists. Long term the trend study stay 2009 on the future of ethical consumption”of the Trendburo Hamburg shows that sustainability is a major concern of consumers. 90 percent of consumers are interested in the topic. the booking of the hotel offers the possibility of the environmentally conscious traveler now directly for green/sustainable”to search for hotels. The filtered hotels are members of various independent certification programs of that examine the impact of enterprises on society, environment, regional culture or economy.

Details of the respective certification can the Bucher under Hotel details”on see. “Gay and lesbian travellers: tolerance including unfortunately it is something that many gays do not dare in everyday life, to come out”, says Carlos Kytka by the gay and Lesbian Travel Association IGLTA. Even more, they have the need, in the holiday to not need to adjust. On travel, you will find a tolerant and relaxed atmosphere in the hotels belonging to the IGLTA. The accommodation have a corporate duty to stand against discrimination. “It is expressly: the gay and lesbian traveler is welcome with us”. To find these hotels, in collaboration with the IGLTA, Expedia has the LGBT-welcoming filter”developed. The term consists of the initials of the words lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Germany, a country of savers the filters most widely used by the Germans show a prudent people *. Free breakfast at the hotel is one place. Also the free on-site parking is sought. More economical filtering capabilities are the free airport shuttle service and the availability of fitness equipment. * Base is Use the filter functions with the hotel search on the country-specific Expedia Web pages, period 1 January to 5 November 2009. Special hotel offers for * Barcelona Spain ABAC restaurant hotel * 3 days, Dr / u 2 persons E.g. 03.09 until 05.09.2010 filter: LGBT welcoming per room from 580,-euro Berlin NH Berlin Treptow Germany * 3 days, Dr / u 2 persons E.g. 08.10 until 10.10.2010 filter: Green / sustainable per room from 97,-euro Prague Czech Republic Chateau St Havel * 3 days, Dr / b & b 2 persons E.g. 17.09. 19.09.2010 filter: free breakfast, free parking per room from 150,-euro

Man Lamy, Austrian Artist In The Hunger Strike

Demonstraktion as living sculpture gen accident game spreading in Graz demonstration as a living sculpture in Graz. Man Lamy in the hunger strike in the cage of Augartenparks to Lamy, an artist living in Graz and painter who interferes, uncomfortable also the politics, society and economy questions. In his latest project was to block Lamy as living sculpture with breath and heart in the Augartenpark in Graz in a cage. Hunger strike as an art object, which is aimed against the effects of gambling, such as the position of power in political and economic nature against such companies. To make Lamy not just art, he lives it. Provocative for some, an idealist who bluntly expressing his feelings, to wake up with his art tries for others. His mission against the international spread of the disaster game”took an abrupt end, as nocturnal visitors tried several times randalierten and the cage to subvert, drunken threatened to ignite the frame. At PCRM you will find additional information. And yet, the reactions of the people which you Lamy in the Cage visited, the press and interested parties, visitors to the park were gezollt full of respect a man of bold, and involves research step also inconvenient way to help others. Text: Cornelia Kerber photo: (c) Alfred pany

Crude Oil Prices Pass After

Heating oil prices could now easily sink LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Although the Department of energy (DOE) yesterday announced a reduction of in crude oil reserves in the United States by almost 2.5 million barrels, that helped oil prices embattled little. In particular US light oil (WTI) continued his descent started on Wednesday in the morning trading today if also weakened. Learn more about this with BSA. The significantly lower losses at North Sea oil (Brent) related to a currently shrinking offer due maintenance work on several rigs. According to analyst prices based on the commodity futures exchanges now more on the actual market situation. That’s why the DOE numbers not really suggest on a shortage, because the reserves are the world’s largest consumer of oil at record levels. Also, the previously removed Enbridge pipeline from tomorrow, every day will provide 670,000 barrel in the U.S.

market. “This oversupply meets weak demand, yesterday again by more bad news” confirmed the US economy was. Heating oil consumers in Germany can, expect yesterday, as light tees, which are favored by a still stronger euro. It reported the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review.

Career as a trainee – experts give tips of young professionals, who are flirting with a trainee program, should in the selection to make sure that, from the outset it is clear what training stations go through and to convey what specific skills and substantive objectives. The webinar, which is organized by the international news and Careers, shows up on 1 November by 18 17-differences between trainee program and direct entry and indicates how you can detect good trainee programs. Trainee programs are building blocks of modern personnel development for decades. In Germany, University graduates are grouped under “Trainees”, as junior executives looking for professional entry into the economy and run a company-specific training in companies that prepare her for future needs as a leader. The trainee programmes distinguish between interdepartmental (E.g.

Management trainees) or limited to departmental programs (specialist trainees). There are project-oriented Trainee programs such as special executives programs or those who individually and flexibly be tailored to individual employees.Within a company, trainees go through several departments, whose Aufenthalt some weeks can last up to several months after an introductory phase. In the context of this job rotation”learn” on-the-job trainees. That is, they are involved in specific projects, will be integrated into the daily work routine and learn the principle of learning-by-doing”, what it means to assume responsibility for certain tasks. Young professionals, who are flirting with a trainee program, should in the selection to make sure that, from the outset it is clear what training stations go through and to convey what specific skills and substantive objectives. The webinar “Career as a graduate trainee”, which will be held on November 1 from 17 am to 6 pm in the and is part of the career Webinar series free of charge by the operators of the news helps to choose of the “right” trainee program and Career portal is offered. The webinar “Career as a graduate trainee” is used at the same time also to prepare for the career fair trainee insight, which is held on November 4, from 11-4: 00 in Cologne finds and company presents, offer the trainee programs.

There is more information at koeln.trainee Participants of the webinars “Career as a graduate trainee” register free alias in advance about a link with one to the webinar. To participate in the webinars of the career week, user need only a Web browser, Adobe Flash Player and a speaker enabled on their computer. Personal registration is not necessary. For more information, is the direct link to the Webinar: de / 28.html,v? infoView 26607 = the next webinar appointments: 21.10.2010 17-18 clock: starting salaries of graduates 01.11.2010. 17-18 clock: a career as a trainee 15.11.2010 18-19 h: personality to convince 16.11.2010 18-19: 00: the written application 17.11.2010 18-19 Watch: Apply at the booth 18.11.2010 18.-7p.m.: the interview 19.11.2010 18-19 h: career event Internet for more information and event descriptions under About, the is a worldwide news and career portal for students and graduates and provides for greater transparency in the global labour market. Around on the labour market and career planning, weekly NewsLetter, a virtual JobWall and webinars help daily news as well as audio and video podcasts, to keep an overview in the jungle of the worldwide career opportunities. In addition, there are international salary calculator, calendar, a database with global job markets and more than 11,000 international universities, training and scholarship providers and recommended books and eBooks for download as daily available information free of charge.

Crude Oil Prices Of Today Tomorrow Easily Fixed

For oil prices, no major changes expected in LEIPZIG today. (Ceto) Crude oil prices were easily fixed this morning. Primarily technical corrections were responsible for yesterday’s losses of more than $ 1.20 per barrel. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger recognizes the significance of this. US light oil is traded for 71,83 dollars, North Sea oil (Brent) is slightly more expensive with 72,76 dollars. To record the two reference strains at the same price level as exactly a year ago. For the slightly more stable prices, the yesterday’s stock figures of the American Petroleum Institute sank. (API). They assume a removal of the US crude oil reserves to 1,847 million barrels.

Only a decrease of 0.4 million barrels was expected. However, on the other is a further development of the stocks of oil products. So, 1,889 million barrels of medium distillates camped more in the tank than in the seven days before according to the API in the last week. Petrol, there were at least 0,692 million barrels. This indicates a continued sluggish demand, which in turn in the weak US economy is justified. For heating oil consumers little should change in Germany.

Expected slight reductions be repealed by a back weaker euro, which today traded tomorrow for $ 1.26. For comparison, a year ago, fuel oil to 7.60 Euro was cheaper at a euro/US dollar rate of 1.43 and comparable prices of crude oil. It reported the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review. Dependence of the fuel oil price by this exchange rate here for more information.