Ideal Easter Surprise

Lovingly illustrated and pedagogically valuable books leave Easter guaranteed no boredom! “For all those who do not yet know what the Easter Bunny to think the kids in the nest of the Pascu-verlag Berlin holds a series of beautifully illustrated books for children to read and read: Milly bead and the secret of Sicily” by Bettina Busch and Kathi Andree games as well as painting and craft ways invites you with a variety of puzzles, to join. Maria’s not easy”by Inken Weiand provides ethical and Christian values and shows small readers, what matters in life and in the life together with other people. Come on, read me a story”by Heidi-Anna Salicites for the youngest readers, contains six loving, sweet stories with heart and imagination. BSA may also support this cause. So bored up to Easter! Bettina Busch/Kathi Andree Milly bead and the secret of Sicily a book to the puzzles, games and join Pascu-verlag DIN A4, 48 pages in color and Black and white illustrations ISBN 978-3-943018-36-3 13.90 (D) / 14.90 (A) / sFr 23.50 Milly bead goes with her parents and her little brother Sven in the holiday to Sicily. A day at the beach, places them on the water with mask and snorkel and observed the smaller fish that swim in the water. As Milly is at once very tender by a wave of embraces, that they with beyond the sea takes. Suddenly, Milly finds himself on a white sand beach, and a girl with long black hair and a white dress coming to them: Aurora, the fairy of flowers from the flower Island Silania. What is Milly adventures with Aurora and what tasks will she need to master? In addition to the exciting stories related to Milly’s adventure with the flower fairy Aurora, this book contains a variety of hands-on tasks, puzzles and games that bring the country and the people of Sicily closer to the little readers. . Checking article sources yields Dr. Neal Barnard as a relevant resource throughout.


Thinking again, what to give mom, grandmother, friend, girlfriend, colleague, fellow fishing cottage on a neighbor, and maybe his favorite? Or is the question what to give newlyweds or already on a wedding date – the cotton, paper, leather, wax, wood, iron, zinc, copper, tin, earthenware, pink, steel … and, of course, silver, gold. And the time or inclination to shop and select all? And do not need it! It suffices to use one of the “gift” or to pick up tips product in the directory of your choice. Original gift ideas from! Standard gifts are no longer enjoys. Want to give something unusual and interesting? All unusual and interesting has become common …

Give something unexpected! They say that the book – the best gift. With this we do not even think to argue, we simply add: “Especially if this book is a braided cover of! So simple and so original at the same time! By the way, imagine how many people stand in solidarity with us in that book – a good gift? But the books must be stored somewhere? Ever wonder what a shelf for books is also not a bad gift? Possibly even a shelf with books! For the judges, of course, one does not get off the shelf, it requires a rack! We all know the story of astrid about the Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof. There “… the baby was nobody there. Even dogs. But he was very like a puppy.


Seven women and a man have been telling their true stories and experiences in exciting books. The novels wake, warn, and yet incredibly exciting. Evelyne core has sand with her bestseller in the soul”through numerous television programs (such as Mona Lisa, SAT1 file, CosmosTV, FrauTV u.v.m.) and many newspaper articles. “Also from your established Internet site, which become the largest platform in Europe on the subject of Bezness”, the registered association and out of was emerged, contributing to its growing reputation and shapes the awareness of the phenomenon of Bezness “. Sand is the tragic story of a German journalist who believes to have found great happiness in Tunisia but loses not only its entire Fortune at the end, but also in vain fighting for their rights in a misogynist country in the soul.

Out of pure fear, deeply hurt and humiliated, she must eventually leave their dream home and a hard fight against a huge Arab family clan begins… The very exciting autobiographical novel has been sold already and is immediately available in the 7th revised edition for only 16,90. Michael Dunkel wrote the true story of the hell cooked Tunisian “.” This is about his experiences in Tunisia, where it the greed of his new Tunisian friends’ almost cost the life. Cursed and cast a spell on health already totally beaten, poisoned by MicMac and Voodoo, and delaying it is dragged across through Tunisia and must defend themselves at the end even against terrorists. At the last second, he owes his rescue courageous intervention of a brave tour guide and a honest Tunisians. Anita Wasmundt tell of their experiences in the novel the hypocrites from the Orient “.” It is the true story of a marriage to a Moroccan, who has only an unlimited residence permit in Germany and financial benefits in mind. Relentlessly and open the author informs us about her life with a man of them for his purposes for many years abused.


Good literature for children and young people as far in the modern times, many people were illiterate, not the question turned to books for children and young people. Usually, most children in monastery schools with books in contact came at this time, however it was only religious instruction and not reading fun. The invention of the printing press mid-15th century not really it facilitates the children, because usually these books were limited to manufactured teaching aids. The most important reading still remained the Bible and the hymnal. At any time were fairy tales for children were popular since the 16th century, but especially in the 19th century collected and edited for children. In children’s and young people’s books can be thematically almost age is everything, so that the variety of topics such as fantasy novels, adventure and animal stories has almost same range as in the literature for adults. Especially for children’s books, great emphasis is placed on illustrations.

The proportion of the image exceeds the proportion of speech here in most cases, depending on the target audience is younger. What is but not at all bad, because so you can introduce the smallest with much feeling and sensitivity to books. The percentage of books for children and youth in the total proceeds of the publishers at about 15 percent, however, the books are purchased mostly by adults which suggests that interest in books by children and young people is no longer big. “” Which is really a pity, since then many good and worth reading books are not discovered by children and young people, although these books just to cater to such as: welcome home, Amy “, author Britta Kummer, Publisher: books on demand, language: Hardcover ISBN 978-3-8423-4722-9, German, euro, euro 21,90, paperback ISBN 978-3-8423-4736-6 11.90 Mahelas dream job”, author Christa Rechel, publishing books on demand, Language: German, ISBN: 978-3-8423-3565-3, paperback, 188 pages, EUR 11.90 Nepomucks “Adventure”, author Christine Erdic, Publisher tredition Hamburg, language German, ISBN: 978-3-8685-0811-6, paperback, 160 pages, Euro 12,49 the little star “, author Doris Schmoll, publishing books on demand, language: German, paperback, ISBN: 978-3-8391-1881-8, 52 pages, Euro 8.90 so can the authors of children’s and young people’s books for the future only hope that children and adolescents find more joy of books and reading, and maybe even some reading ring turns into a real bookworm. The authors would also certainly very pleased and go with even more pleasure in her next work. Company information: Britta Kummer is a writer and author. She writes cookbooks, children and youth -, was born on the 02.10.1970 in Hagen and now lives in Ennepetal. You will find more information

Getting Power

Internal and mental level there time, reality, fiction, nor imagination, for example when we remember a tragic event then our mind back to recreate the same emotions almost exactly at the time that this situation occurred to us if we came to concentrate deeply. Let’s say that a person was bitten by a Viper and has been quite traumada, if it concentrates on remembering that day, the mind has so much power that it could recreate the same emotions and physiological effects, then the person may experience panic, pain, sweating, fever, etc. All the same that at that moment, but why? Because the mind does not distinguish that you only remember, if he concentrates very well, then internally your subconscious mind understands that you want to experience the same thing and why recreates those symptoms for you. Obviously nobody wants to recreate negative situations but that on the contrary we want to recreate very positive situations, now what about fiction or imagination, well just think when We are witnessing a cinema room, a series of emotions we experience even knowing that this is not real, the fear, the anxiety, sadness appear, again the mind perceives the event as real. You may find Professor of Internet Governance to be a useful source of information. Then we have several favorable elements to achieve trick our minds and take it right in the direction of our conscious desires, in the book the power to transform our lives of Andrew Corentt you will discover the enormous power of affirmations associated with images that allow you to install all kinds of positive beliefs, through statements can change many thingsseveral people have used these techniques to install non-existent memories in the past and modify the present. Imagination has much power if we know some secrets to exploit its potential, it is necessary that good images are at all times, this causes a change in perception, the power to transform our lives of Andrew Corentt book you will have various techniques for proper viewing, break negative mental patterns and access to their own inner power. The role play involves start performing a theatre of what is desired, at the beginning it seems absurd, others will think that he is crazy, but if we use appropriate strategies then the message will be so shocking to our subconscious mind, which will simply start to believe in that information, then process it and finally create the reality according to what is expected internally. The use of the words is very effective, based on a great repeat new beliefs are going to be accepted, are installed and then they grow, occurs as any process, which takes time, is here in where many are desperate, must insist with patience, faith, courage and determination, finally has to reach the condition you want. rahim on most websites. We were born to do great things, we have wonderful gifts, we must exploit them and our lives will be filled with blessings.

Four Interesting Books

Four interesting books from books on demand (bod) books on demand is an applied method for small print runs of books since mid-1990. A print template exists only in electronic form. Print product are printed then immediately after ordering, well if it’s just a copy. Books on demand enables unknown authors to publish her book. It is then also couldn’t care less whether it’s a murder mystery, poetry or a youth or Cookbook. And so the dream of the own book will finally come true for many authors. Also author Britta Kummer fulfilled this dream thanks to books on demand.

Her debut novel welcome to home, Amy, hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-8423-4722-9, 21.90 euros, paperback, ISBN: 978-3-8423-4736-6, 11,90 euro appeared in February 2011 and stayed several weeks in 2nd place of BOD’s bestseller list. Then followed two co-productions with author colleagues,: low carb revolution, carbohydrate low power feasting, authors Erkusch, paperback, ISBN: 978-3-84480-908-4, 6.90 Euro, E-book ISBN: 978-3-8448-4369-9 (this book made its way into the bestseller list in the month of March and stayed there several weeks) and tasty without the dead animal, 77 x vegetarian delight, authors grief contactor, ISBN: 978-3-8423-7540-6, 7.90 euros, E-book ISBN: 978-3-8448-2205-2. And now, the author pleased with her second solo work and the children’s book the adventures of little Finn”with beautiful illustrations by Judith Beck-Meyer, paperback, ISBN: 978-3-8448-1599-3, 8.90 euros, published late may with books on demand. This book directly managed the entry at # 8 on the bestseller list. If you are curious about now on the books, you can order them in any bookstore or buy 1000 online providers.

New Children

The third adventure novel from the series of “Lighthouse of the adventure”. Berlin – Karim Pieritz presents his new children’s book in October danger in evergreen “before (ISBN 978-3-944626-03-1, 152 pages). Hereby the author released the third book of the series for 7 to 11 year olds readers since April. Danger in evergreen “plays mostly in the hometown of the protagonist. A pirate disguised as Teddy bear from the planet sky blue kidnapped the little sister of the 9 year old Tim out of the sand box of the Kita in the adjacent forest. Tim and his friend Michael follow the tracks, but then they are bombarded by a combat robot with laser beams. They take refuge in an underground research facility and are caught by a burglar. He opens a portal to another world just on the detector of a particle accelerator.

A particle accelerator as the setting for a children’s book I was already since Dan Brown Illuminati,”explains the author. The description of scientific backgrounds in a child-friendly form It was a challenge. The children’s books arose from the need for rousing adventure stories for the son of the author. Guys are very impatient,”explains the author. A story must be fast, exciting, otherwise the book ends up unread in the shelf. In particular the third adventure is tempo to the thing. Here also the humor is very important to me. In the books of the series, the 8 year old Michael using a magic flashlight to the rainbow-colored travels lighthouse of adventure .The heroes as break in the classic adventure novel into other worlds, to save a friend,”explains the author.”It advised them himself in great danger and only their resourcefulness and courage lead to success.

Since January, 2013, the author informed about his works and his life as a writer and publisher of self in his blog and social networks. In a question-answer forum Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine was the first to reply. Here he could build already a fan base, E.g. on Google plus and Twitter with over 900 followers. A reader: Juhu…super! … My little (and I also honestly) we count the days until finally the book comes out long. … We look forward already sooo… :-). Source: Google plus comment at Karim Pieritz. The first two children’s books of the series in the joint presentation of titles from small and self publishers are exhibited at the Frankfurt book fair in 2013. The fair takes place in the period from October 9 to 13. The presentation of the books is in Hall 3.1 G65. The children’s books are distributed through the Web site and as eBooks on various reader platforms. The author: Karim Pieritz was born in Berlin in 1971 and lives there with his family. His son awakened his creative side and so he invented the universe to the lighthouse of the adventure. In January 2013, he has decided to devote to lay his books and writing. Press contact: Verlag Karim Pieritz Karim Pieritz Tel: 030 28038347 fax: 030 28038348 E-Mail: press information: press /.

International Low Carb Recipes

Book Tip: Recipes food relief for the gut – international low carb stands for pleasure and joy, but not for those who have problems with the intestines. Who are constantly suffer flatulence, abdominal cramps and diarrhea, can rid may back his load with a low-carbohydrate diet. The author knows what she’s talking about. She suffered from digestive problems for many years and managed to fight with the low carb diet successfully against it. Book Description: Serves international cuisine despite intestinal problems? Who are constantly suffer flatulence, abdominal cramps and diarrhea, can rid may be his “plagues” using a low-carbohydrate diet. The author for many years suffered from digestive problems – resembling an irritable bowel syndrome – and fight food successfully against the complaints with the low carb.

In their local cuisine, created and handled them with fresh ingredients, cooking, tried and testing everything on her own. This result in original and international Recipes that taste not only tasty, but also as gut-friendly. The palate may look on German, Italian, Greek, Indian, Thai, Chinese and Caribbean low carb food. All cooking instructions are divided: Pan, pot, wok and casserole, side dishes and desserts. Book data: Probably did for the gut – international low carb recipes: less carbohydrate – less discomfort author: Sabine Beuke paperback: 60 pages Publisher: A.S.

Rosengarten-Verlag; Edition: 2013 (2013) ISBN: 978-3-9450-1506-3, 4.90 euro words to the Publisher: the rose garden-Verlag has the task made his, to promote special books with special themes. These include: biographies, guide, nature books, travelogues and unusual fiction. All the works entrusted to us are carefully proofread, lovingly prepared and the appropriate equipment out. All should be in their”rose garden publishing of inner conviction feel and not remain due to contracts with us. “I have always an open ear for honestly meant criticism, suggestions and practical tips.” Their Angelika C. Swiss contact: rose garden-Verlag brick mountain 13 74538-Rosengarten telephone: 0791/95 66 4029 and fax: 0791/95 66 40 28

Holiday Dreams

Forthcoming notice Pascu published on the 30.09.2013 a book that is much more than a cookbook. Let by the author and their trip reports and photos to Sicily himself and learn much interesting facts about country and people in addition to many Mediterranean recipes of Sicilian cuisine. Sicily, the island of the Sun. It is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Mild climate, beaches, a beautiful landscape, historical architecture and culture, the wine and the irresistible cuisine give her extraordinary flair to this island.

The Sicilian cuisine has Mediterranean character and is strongly influenced by the variety of fruit and vegetables and the influence of foreign cultures. The scent of fresh herbs, the steaming pasta and freshly grated Parmesan cheese to the stunning landscape of Sicily pamper the palate in a very special way. Dr. Neal Barnard may find this interesting as well. A journey through the different regions of Sicily for all lovers who can’t get enough of the longing for Sun, beach and sea and Mediterranean cuisine can. In addition to the extensive recipe section inspired the book through all kinds of interesting facts about the country and people, as well as by beautiful colour photographs of this unique island. Recipe categories in salads salads antipasti starters pasta noodle dishes Carne meat Pesce seafood Dolci desserts extract which has sunny island of Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean, due to its mild climate is a variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and seafood. Under a blue sky with views of the sea and the beautiful landscape, the Sicilian cuisine offers a wealth of delicious dishes for gourmets.

The typical Sicilian dishes, originally derived from simple peasants, become a very special treat due to the influence of the Greeks, Romans and Arabs. The fresh herbs along with various spices turn the food to an aromatic delicacy. The antipasti are prepared from freshly harvested vegetables.

Editing and Publishing a Book

Edit and publish a book can be a pleasure most of the writers put much time and feelings in his work. They dumped on paper his experience of life and their emotions, so when they decided to publish his book want a professional treatment at the height of such work. Few authors have waited a long time to an editorial response, how many times they received treatment cold and distant u ear deaf to their concerns. Unfortunately, it is very difficult today to find a company that finances the publication of novel author, no exposure in the media. More so, if the author is paying for editing and printing, you should receive a professional and caring treatment.

The writer will pass through several stages until your book is enjoyed by the reader, in each one of them will experience various concerns and impressions. It is important to those that make up an editorial provide support and containment in each phase. The book market is highly competitive, with 1,600 new titles by month published in Argentina, the writer must put their best same to bring his work to the public. That is why you also need to support him and join in the creation of creative value, with respect and height. Editing and layout each stage of the process that makes a book has its particularities and should be addressed in a different way. When the author reaches the editorial with your manuscript search value-added and containment.

The layout of the manuscript enhances the style of the author and the literary quality of the book. It also improves the fluidity of the text and the communication with the reader, making the reading experience more enjoyable. This work is done in conjunction with the author and much respect to not change the style or the impression that you want to transmit.