Simple Companies

One was only pleased for the gained gross revenue, that is, on the forma bill of sale emission and results of financial operations, alienation of asset, amongst others. If the company took a trick, it would pay tax on this occurrence. In the same way, when parceling out a product with proper box, it the sum would collect of a time the relative tax burden all, as if the payment was at sight. Simple with National the taxable income will be the average of prescriptions gained in last the 12 months, has 23 bands, with 20 different aliquot ones. The 3 first bands had been condensed (0 120 a thousand), on the basis of the aliquot minor.

The companies will be able on the basis of to opt to the taxation the received prescription, this want to say that only month will be taxed in that one what effectively it entered in the box of empresa.5. ANALYSIS OF APPLIED RESEARCH the COMPANIES OF the CARACARA CITY the practical part of this work consisted of a research of field in the companies of the city of Caracara, in order to provide a better vision of the impacts caused for the Simple adoption or not of the National one, beyond the practical perspective, a vision more technique of the influences of the General Law on the companies and its functioning. The research was made next to ten companies, in order to survey the importance of the regimen of Simple taxation National, the changes that it in general caused and the influence of this new boarding tax for the contributors, with the use of a questionnaire. The first one, the second and third question searched to know as the company was fit, which segment it followed and how many employee they worked respectively in the company, 08 (eight) companies had answered that they were fit as Micron Company? ME, 01 (one) Small business company and 01 (one) answered others.


Elections 2010 R$ 861,781, 76 This are the value of good declared for a Shepherd, candidate the state deputy for the PV of So Paulo. The same it declares a capital that adds 900 a thousand Reals almost. It is important to stand out that in the candidacy register where if question which the profession of the candidate, the same if declares Priest, that is, it does not have none another profession therefore does not have nor complete superior course, Then I must deduce that; all this accumulated richness, came exactly of the church where it shepherds in Piracibaca-SP. Somebody can be thinking; pra that to speak badly of the candidate? I answer: 1-I I belong the same church where ' ' candidato' ' it belongs, and I know many shepherds honest (also mine), that they are the years working in the ministry and does not have nor tera part of 900 a thousand Reals. 2 If wants to be member of the house of representatives? it swims against! but if some does not have in hypothesis to insinuate the fidiciary offices, that must have obligations with its shepherd to vote in the same Unhappyly we have seen a race to the gold enters all the segments of the society. Beyond ' ' pastores' ' also we have artists, esportistas, singers and until clowns. Or they are thinking that the voters already had given up to trust its votes, or find that only because an illiterate if left well, everybody can enter in this machine to make money ps: more candidacies bizarras visits mine blog:

Nine Circles

(Creation of the World Church of the Star, that is the conclusion of the World), or 2012 AD God gave people Perun Great Race and descendent of the commandments of Heaven, and warned of upcoming events in the future for 40176 years. During his third visit Midgard-earth, God the Holy Wisdom Perun told people Clans of the Great Race. Our forefathers wrote Belovodye h'Ariyskimi Runes Sacred Wisdom of the Nine Circles "Perun Santii Vedas." In the nine books "Wisdom of God Perun ". (See Dazhdbog Then, on Midgard, the Earth was coming Dazhdbog – God Tarkh Perunovich, God, Keeper of the Great Ancient Wisdom. Was named Dazhbog (giving God) for what gave them the descendants of the Great Race and Rod Heaven Nine Santy (Books). These were recorded Santii ancient runes and contained the sacred ancient Vedas, the Commandments Tarh Perunovicha and his teachings. Santii, in the original, but visually you can name the book, because Santii – it plates of precious metal, on which are inscribed the ancient Rune h'Ariyskie.

Plates held together by three rings, which symbolize the three worlds: the Reality (World People), Nav (World of Spirits and the souls of ancestors), right (MPR Light Slavonic-Aryan Gods). All residents in different worlds (in the galaxies, star systems) and on land, where representatives of an ancient clan, live according to ancient wisdom, tribal foundations and Regulations which are followed by Rod. After visiting God Tarkhov Perunovichem our Ancestors, they began to call themselves "Dazhdbogovy grandchildren." Our ancestors attended, and many other gods.

Romantic Ideas

It is very normal to hear about the couple because of indifference or boredom breaks, unfortunately, for the first, no solution because the feelings are not apartments, and when love is finished, simply ends. Boredom, well there are many things that you can do, and with this, you can not only regain your girl, but you can also prevent the breakdown of your relationship. There are many things you can do to reconquer it, it is only you achieve it. Here we leave some useful ideas that you can take into account when trying to reconquer it, well now: trying to surprise her, adds points, adds many points, it is important to have in mind to give her something, that insist your salary or you do not have, without going to please him, small big acts are those. A jewel, an entrance to a recital, a romantic dinner, an exit to the cinema or even a weekend getaway, are very good, you can also share time with her. A card, a teddy bear, or a box of chocolates They also count as surprise and are a classic.

Love to all women. Say nice things to the ear or flatter with short phrases, will make it you feel desired and cute and you’ll be luxury. Caress her, take her waist, hold her, be tender, you’ll love, but no abuses of the endearments, nobody likes heavy men. All these steps are largely what women want for their ideal man. You cannot exceed, because of tender to honeyed unbearable there is only one step, and when he crosses, you can unleash the unbridled wrath of a tired of both arrumaco femina.

Remember, always get what is fair and necessary, nor more nor less, just the right amount. On the next page you will learn some tricks to win back your ex. You can apply these psychological techniques to make your ex want to be with you again. If you want to learn how to recover quickly to your ex, do Click here Blog of the Freelance weblog archive not enough technical competence: 7 recommendations to improve your professional performance the authentic decadent a teddy bear of plush of Taiwan YouTube music A bibliographic gem of Baroque music videos Magazine Art Logopress Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart share a romantic dinner in Hollywood Luis Miguel and Daisy Fuentes in romantic dinner in Miami

Learn Typing

Good day! Nowadays, everyone has many computers are working and / or communicate with the computer. But it is difficult for novice users to learn to type on the keyboard depending on the screen. Since it is difficult to quickly remember where this or that button. For example you have been such that you forgot to switch from English into Russian and it turned out instead of Hi such incomprehensible letters Ghbdtn? If so then you will understand me! To do this, I developed this program to make you easy to learn typing on the keyboard depending on the screen. In this program, called master-klav more precisely, the program is called the master keyboard. a keyboard on which the all the buttons and you'll know where the one or the other letter. The program also includes a field for entering text to enable you to gain your desired text. You can also copy the program from a printed text, and you will be two things at once.

1) You will learn how to print depending on the screen. 2) type in the text you want. I think you get into this program because it is easy to use. The advantage of the program: 1) The program does not require installation. 2) The program is suitable for all operating system windows. 3) Such programs unit. 4) You can copy the program on a flash card and run at any time. The program's interface: Russian. Good luck to all! Download You can link to if you have questions about or want to subscribe to the update program, you can write to e-mail Sincerely Andrei Safonov

Give Gifts For Women. People Make The Roads Joy

Today, the reality often seems to be quite dull. A lot of stress, worries, troubles, and only rarely a chance to rest. And very few holidays. They are in fact totally inadequate. But of course this is true only for those people that really can not create a festival for myself personally. Such people are often very experienced from the lack of extraneous reasons to improve their lives and livelihoods of families. But since we can remember a great cartoon, remember what our childhood, it was called, “Just so.” Participants in the plot passed a bunch of flowers. Just like that, nothing requiring a response.

In practice, to share the joy of self-good mood, as is the case with the boy, and received a gift from – like all the other heroes. And in general it did not matter that only a bunch of smiling made as a man. Significant was the realization that the gift – it’s just reason to feel itself miraculous. In this sense, there was no cartoon figure prices. Because he is in a state where the ratio should ideally be confirmed by the monetary, the resulting lightweight cartoon, was the very same tale of a – really a fairy tale, but of course everything else – the reality, teaching people that the holiday is possible for a reason. Without cause and at the same time on effect if there is no gift, because the wonderful gift – it is our desire to share an excellent feeling with others.

In this case only a think for, if I could not wait for the generally recognized or personal holidays to prepare gift or a close guy friend or a representative of the human race, if he’ll pretty, I mean. And as a result of the need for prazdnetstvah in formal incentives to increase private self-awareness and a sense of others were invented many many different occasions. For example, a day of warmth and holiday hugs. And, anyway, if the person is not in the ‘without cause’ at least feel better, nothing to say, it is necessary to invent this occasion. And who says good day to be attached to a date? And in a situation where you would like to make gifts for women, you need not expect the International Women‘s Day. Because there is overwhelming other dates, if convenient to give joy to the young lady was due to the fact that the day is not easy, but then, when a man gives birth to a smile, it becomes that everything is not so hopeless. Dreaming to present a gift of a loved one? Give him joy. Or buy a small trifle. Since it is now – the Holiday mood. Show it.

Foundation Petersburger Strasse

So that the design meets the needs of the local population, a lively exchange between Cameroon and Berlin took place during the planning of the building. “” This rising education benefits “from the experience of the hope Foundation”, which stands in Bertoua in close contact with the local population. provide more clarity in the matter. After the completion of the school, the Organization assumes responsibility for the management and day-to-day operations. Also during the construction phase is”the participation in the Central punk of rising education. So is the school in the spring of 2014, in cooperation of local workers and the TU students built and so later users can comment suggestions and wishes the children and their parents during the construction phase.

To finance the project partners depend completely on donations. Rising education”welcomes any support. Provides a way for our campaign in the Internet on, here it is easy to help us. More Information on our website and on Facebook. Help with the children in Bertoua, Cameroon, to create an educational opportunity, which improves the quality of life and visions of the future and enables the promotion of cultural diversity and economic perspectives. Education and mutual understanding are the key to a better future. So you build with the concept requires not only commitment and labour, but also covering the costs.

Links: Rising education: baupiloten: hope Foundation: hope Facebook: better place: projects/16140 BLZ: 10010010 account no.: 27820105 Verw.zweck: rising education IBAN: DE08100100100027820105 BIC: PBNKDEFF hope Foundation is one of Cameroon and Germany from jointly controlled, non-profit and non-governmental organization. Objective is to promote the development in the rural areas of Cameroon and neighbouring African countries and the To alleviate poverty. You committed to development and utilities, and aims to improve the standard of living of people in rural communities. Hope Foundation operates in the areas of education, health, water and sanitation, people, children and women’s rights, information and communication technology, and they supported discriminated and disadvantaged, as E.g. disabled, street children and orphans.

Russian Federation Goods

If you have questions regarding the services provided to customs clearance, then on our site you will find exactly the answers to your questions. As information on the goods declared? Answer: may be declared in one customs declaration under the same number of goods, or vice versa, under different numbers of goods, but with a trademark. Can – in the various customs declarations. Who are customs broker? Answer: A customs broker (agent) – a legal entity which produces customs clearance or an individual with a certificate of a customs clearance. What are the procedures of customs clearance You can call simplistic? A: The products that are under customs control are temporarily or declaration of goods in the warehouse of the applicant, with the filing, and may be preliminary declaration of goods to feed;

What products are subject to customs clearance with the use of simplified procedures? Answer: it’s the goods: foreign imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, including the Baltic customs of St. Petersburg; Russia exported over outside the Russian Federation in the absence of claims, according to Art. 68 Labour Code and does not require simplified procedures of customs clearance. What is the clearance and falls into the customs services? A very common term “Clearance”.

This means that the seller or the buyer are obligations that are associated with the passage of goods through the customs of the country, ie exports or imports. It includes: payment of fees and all charges, transmission and payment of any administrative action relating to the clearance of goods through customs. Customs clearance is organized party, which must be resident in a country where there is this cleaning. Exporter holds clearance for export and importer clears the goods for import. And accordingly, the seller for the export of responsibilities to clear the goods and goods for import – buyer.

National Council

Largest exporter of coffee is Brazil. In 2009, the country confirmed its leadership status, providing supplies 32% of the global market. Thus, according to the National Council of coffee exporters, Brazilians owned 46% of the world market valued Arabica coffees. About 18% of the supply of aromatic grains on the world market last year has provided Vietnam in third place Colombia, which accounted for 8% of world coffee exports. This year Brazil hopes to sell in foreign markets about 30 million bags of coffee, providing revenues of U.S. $ 4,6-4,8 billion Meanwhile, the shortage of coffee on world markets over the next year to continue to grow by a decline in production caused by low crop yields in key exporting countries due to adverse weather conditions in recent months.

According to the forecast promulgated by the International Organization of coffee (International Coffee Organization) at the 15th Conference of Asia International Coffee Conference, the volume of supplies of coffee on world markets for accountable to 12 months (October 1, 2009 – September 30, 2010) range from 123 to 125 million bags (1 bag – 60 kg). At the same time, the level of world consumption in this period is estimated at 132 million bags. The main reason for the fall supply of coffee Executive Director of the IOC called changeable weather conditions. For example, heavy rains in three of the four exporting countries – Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia – have led to crop failure. In Ukraine, 85% consumed coffee – instant – 15% natural.