
In the world there are many rapidly developing economies, especially with regard to China. Who was in China in the 80th and 90th, respectively, that can really assess the dynamics of development in which the Chinese economy. But the other side this dynamic development experienced by both Asian and Western countries: a negative impact on the local and global ecological environment. Global challenge of this century is to create progress and prosperity while protecting our environment. By 2012 China will orbit two satellites that will monitor the impact of air pollution on climate. Our article is devoted to this subject as organization of the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and waste. It focuses on how countries should cooperate and share knowledge and information to reduce the impact of export and disposal of garbage and waste on the environment environment. How can I convert garbage into resource and industrial products with economic potential.

World debris, as the time to become a dynamic and innovative. Worldwide, more and more companies and individuals develop more and more ways to make new products from waste materials to arrive at a good profit. Recycling increased from year to year, since the raw material is no longer available – more expensive. Repeated use of recycled waste also helps us to influence change and reduce the threat of biological degradation. The world economy is booming – growing production and created a huge demand for raw materials. For Russia, as commodity-dependent countries is a plus, but we live on one planet and therefore for the ecology of this planet have to answer to keep everything.

Musical Zorro

Baton musical 'Beauty and the Beast' in Moscow Palace of Youth pick up a new production company of 'Stage Entertainment' – a spectacular musical about love, Zorro, who has won the London theater audiences tempted Garrick in the West End and the legendary Folies Bergere Cabaret in Paris. The premiere show is scheduled for early October 2010. Such a 'Molotov cocktail' of Spanish passion, dance, flamenco, mind-blowing tricks, fighting with swords and international hits group Gipsy Kings, as in the musical Zorro, the Moscow scene has never seen! We are now negotiating to participate in the formulation of a number of Russian celebrities, but in the premiere of the musical Zorro in Moscow will be attended by themselves Flamenco Kings Gipsy Kings. Now all fans of the genre can get tickets for Zorro the musical premieres by phone 363-43-73 or visit Musical Zorro Zorro musical Summary: Southern California XIX century. Don Diego de la Vega – young man, charming, handsome, but a little impulsive and reckless, a Spaniard born in the family, an aristocrat, Alejandro de la Vega, returned from Spain and finds that his hometown is under the yoke of tyrants, and tormented by insatiable thirst for profit. The noble gentleman comes to helping the poor people, making his exploits under the guise of a robber Zorro, the cunning and clever as a fox. Striking his sword cruelly punishes the oppressors, and Soon the hero in the mask becomes the only hope of the townspeople. But what will he do when his way get love …? Exciting musical 'Zorro' on love with a gay, witty story, sensual flamenco dancing, fights with swords and a real passion for the Spanish – and all the kings of the music of flamenco GIPSY KINGS! We are waiting for you at the performances of the musical 'Zorro'! Have a nice trip and we guarantee an unforgettable experience!